Difference Between Tyranny and Dictatorship (With Table)

Speaking of which, still several countries follow or abide by different types of rule-based systems, such as Anarchy, Democracy, communalism, monarchy, dictatorship, aristocracy, tyranny, etc. With this observation, it could be the monarchy, like in the UK, or a socialist state like in North Korea, and lastly, the democracy in India, Switzerland, and so on. 

Tyranny vs Dictatorship

The main difference between Tyranny and Dictatorship is that Tyranny is handled by a single ruler who oppresses people with absolute power. Meanwhile, Dictatorship is a type of government that has been ruled by a group of people, whereas the final verdict or power is yielded by the head of the council. 

Tyranny is a Greek word that means the rule of a single person over the people. Moreover, all the power and decisions are in the hands of a single person, while no government comes into action. Therein, mostly, these tyrants are often portrayed as cruel, ruthless people, as they will do anything that is repressive to restore their power from the opposition party. 

On the other hand, dictatorship is the rule of an individual, or a small group, with no place for political pluralism and independent means. Moreover, this ruler is not selected by people’s choice but by eliminating other voice-raising democracies. These dictators are often characterized for their strong personalities, such as sounding off in public to bring in complete political and social supremacy and stability. 

Comparison Table Between Tyranny and Dictatorship

Parameters of Comparison 




Tyranny is a form of absolute single sovereignty where laws are unrestrained by the government. The state or society is a monarchy leadership, who claim power without any constitutional right. 

A dictatorship is a form of a single ruler or a group of leaders who supremacy the people or the government of the state, where no one has the right to play independently. 


In the early 6th Century BC, the term ‘Tyranny’ started when Cleisthenes captured Sicyon and Polycrates ruled Samos in the Peloponnesus. Moreover, Greek and Sicilian are considered to be the ancient tyrants’ history. 

At the beginning of the 5th Century BC, the constitutional order of the  Roman Republic introduced the government Dictatorship. The Senate was appointed to rule when the dictatorship was started in Rome.

Ruling methods 

Tyranny follows two ilks of abrogating the government or people of the state by-Obtaining and Retaining. Tyranny is categorised into two types:Usurpers who became the ruler by defeating the enemies with their efforts are obtaining power to protect their people. On the other hand, a tyrannous ruler who coup by killing the enemies alive is retaining a method where he subrogates the people.  

Dictatorship rules the country or region by decimating the basic civil liberations. Dictatorship usually subjugates opposing political parties by imposing terror on them to take over the power of the state. Dictatorship cruelly kills people who disobey the law or play against their set of public policy. 


Tyranny of the one (Autocracy), Tyranny of the minority(Oligarchy), the tyranny of the majority(Democracy) and Anarchism where no one rules. 

Military dictatorship, single-party dictatorship, Personalistic dictatorship, Monarchic dictatorship and Hybrid dictatorship. 


North Korea is one fine example of the Tyranny Government.

Adolf Hilter was a great example of a dictatorship, who captivated Nazi Germany. 

What is Tyranny?

Tyranny is also known as Despotism; it is an oppressive power exerted by a government. In the abstract, it is the tyrant that makes all the decisions of the government as well as the country. Tyranny is the Greek etymology implicating the rule of a person without any legal restraint. Later, in the 18th century, the term got its way to European countries, where absolute monarchies started using this strategy to build several reforms in the political and social systems. Moreover, this governance is always depicted as a cruel and cold-hearted rule. 

Over and above, they are known for usurping the rule by violence and cruelty. On the other hand, a few tyrannies earned the kingdom through wisdom and therein have flourished the governance well enough. 

However, many philosophers affirmed that the ruler of this tyranny government is called a Tyrant, and Tyrants are conceded for influencing their power viciously on the civilization for absolute control. 

With an illustration, here are some of the famous tyranny countries ruled ruthlessly by nefarious tyrants; Enver Pasha, Oliver Cromwell, Fu Sheng, Ivan IV, Genghis Khan, Vlad III, and many more. 

What is Dictatorship? 

Speaking of which, dictatorship rule always reminds us about the notorious personality, Adolf Hitler. This form of dictatorship stimulates the regime of a single leader or a committee of administrators to conserve the political and social reforms into one system. This type of government made the limelight in the early stay of the 19th and 20th centuries. 

Furthermore, dictatorship does not consider constitutional barriers but a formation of jurisdiction to meet and resolve the country’s plight. 

The ruler of this regime is termed a Dictator, who quells the people’s thoughts and freedom to express in a way to hold complete political and social stability around the nation. Despite the people’s rage for new governance, dictatorships and totalitarian societies operate political propaganda to curtail the opposition’s spell. Under dictatorship, there are four types, such as monarchic, hybrid, personalist, single-party, and military. 

For instance, Nazi Germany of Adolf Hitler, The Prathet Thai of Plaek Phibhusongkhram, The Fascist Italy of Benito Mussolini, The Spain of Francisco Franco, The Romania of Ion Antonescu, etc. are notorious dictators who initiated impressive dictatorships. 

Main Differences Between Tyranny and Dictatorship

  1. The major distinction between Tyranny and Dictatorship is the ruler, wherein Tyranny is governed by a single leader, where the absolute sovereign is applied to the people and Government. On the other hand, Dictatorship is done either by a single ruler or a group of rulers. 
  2. Tyranny is derived from the Greek and Silician, which evolved early in the 6th century BC, whereas Dictatorship was established after the end of the monarchy by order of roman republican. 
  3. Tyranny holds power in two ways- Obtaining where Usurpens earn the kingdom with their efforts in defeating the opponents, and Retaining is a method of coup leadership by brutally killing their enemies. Albeit, Dictatorship is a single leader or a group of rulers engaging in supremacy over the government either by suppressing civil’s rights to show their dominance in front of the people.
  4. Tyranny can be categorised into four forms of government- autocracy, democracy, anarchy, and oligarchy. While, dictatorships are grouped into Military dictatorship, Personalistic dictatorship, Monarchic dictatorship, single-party, and Hybrid dictatorship.
  5. North Korea is a great example of a Tranny government, and the Dictatorship example is stated by Adolf Hilter in history. 


Tyranny and Dictatorship is the form of Government, where Tyranny is ruled by a single leader where rules are unrestrained and punish people who disobey their commands. Tyranny was introduced in the 6th century where Cleisthenes captured Sicyon, and Polycrates suppressed Samos in the Peloponnesus, and the term ‘Tyranny’ as single-dominance was evolved to the world. Dictatorship is another form of Government that was practised by a single ruler or group of leaders and dictates them what to dos and don’ts. Dictatorship is a cruel leadership where they annihilate civil rights and set new rules to obey.


  1. https://www.ncjrs.gov/App/abstractdb/AbstractDBDetails.aspx?id=42361
  2. https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=rsWXgBcTmbwC&oi=fnd&pg=PR9&dq=dictatorship+government&ots=MOIkT6uCPO&sig=fyQ9XIeviGv5iYgQSoIzb6F9vFk