Difference Between Ubuntu and Fedora

Ubuntu vs Fedora

Ubuntu and Fedora are two distributions of Linux that are being distributed for free as open source software. Fedora is a very popular linux distribution for desktops but it has been superseded by the meteoric rise of Ubuntu due to its user friendly interfaces. Ubuntu aims to make it easier for ordinary PC users to switch to a Linux based system with minimal problems. Ubuntu also minimizes the need for typing into a command prompt and moves the majority of operations into a graphical interface like the Synaptic package manager.

Although they are both linux, they are fundamentally different because they are based on different distributions. Ubuntu was derived from Debian while Fedora is an offshoot of Red Hat. Since they are based on different distributions, they also adapt the packages that those distributions use. Ubuntu uses DEB packages while Fedora uses RPM packages. They are not compatible with each other and Ubuntu packages would not work with Fedora and vice versa. This is part of the reason why you bound to find more packages for server type systems with Red Hat than with Ubuntu. Ubuntu has placed emphasis on making it as easy as possible for new users and they made it easier to access and install proprietary software like drivers and plugins like Flash.

Something that is a little bit less important but might impact some users is the installer. Fedora installers often have a lot of packages that you can choose from during installation, meaning bigger file sizes for the installer itself. Ubuntu, on the other hand, has a very small installer as it does not come with a lot of packages. After installation, it prompts the user to check online for additional packages that might be needed for the OS to run at optimum or just any package that the user might want or need.

1. Ubuntu is based on Debian while Fedora is based on Red Hat
2. Ubuntu is a more popular linux distribution compared to Fedora
3. Ubuntu is easier for beginners to learn than Fedora
4. Ubuntu uses DEB packages while Fedora uses RPM packages and are incompatible with each other
5. It is easier to find packages for servers with Fedora than with Ubuntu
6. It’s easier to install proprietary software in Ubuntu than with Fedora
7. Fedora installers often have a lot of packages while Ubuntu only has a minimal amount and downloads the rest from the internet