Difference Between UPS and Inverter

UPS vs Inverter

With our ever increasing reliance on electricity, it is quite annoying when outages in our power supply occur. To prevent getting interrupted in whatever we are doing, we have devices like inverters and the UPS. The main difference between the two is what their functions are. UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply and its main function is as a flywheel storage system that is able to provide power to a device when the power from the main lines goes out. In contrast, an inverter’s function is basically to convert DC power to AC. You get DC from power sources like batteries while AC is what we get from our wall sockets. The two are not compatible so we need to convert one to the other if supply is different from what the device needs.

A UPS is a complete system that is composed of many parts. The typical UPS devices that we can buy from stores have multiple systems that include batteries, a charge controller, circuitry for switching between the mains and back-up battery, and an inverter. An inverter is needed because the battery can only store DC power and you need to convert that back to AC in order to match what was being provided by the main power line. Still, there are UPS devices that provide power to a device that uses DC power; these UPS devices do not use an inverter.

Aside from supplying power to keep devices running, a UPS also does a lot more. One of its functions is to provide surge protection, thereby protecting connected devices from getting damaged. Other UPS devices are also capable of conditioning the power from the lines to provide clean and stable power throughout.

Inverters are commonly seen in alternative power installations like solar. Solar panels provide DC power, which is then used to charge a battery bank. The inverter then converts that stored power so that it can be used by ordinary home appliances. Inverters are also used to provide limited power from the cigarette lighter socket of cars. This can be used to charge a laptop, tablet, and other devices.

Whether you will need a UPS or an inverter is down to what you really need. If you just want temporary power to tide you over short outages, a UPS of sufficient size would serve you well. If you are into alternative power or you want extended power, an inverter may be fit for you.


1.A UPS provides power to a device even when power from the lines goes out while an inverter converts DC to AC voltage
2.A UPS may or may not have an inverter
3.A UPS does a lot more than an inverter