Difference Between URL and URI (With Table)

In today’s world internet play a significant role in our life. Various terms are related to the internet. URL and URI are two of those. Uniform resource locator (URL) and Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) are specifically used to locate various aspects related to the end-user using the webpage. URL helps to locate the resource address while URI on the other side finds or recognizes the resource.


The main difference between URL and URI is that a Uniform resource locator (URL) is used to locate or find the location of the resource. The web address or the link that you see on the top of the web page is the URL of the website that helps the user to access the web on the internet. On the contrary, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is used to identify the resource by using the location and name.

URL is simply the address that users used to locate a webpage on the internet. Every webpage has a unique address that the user used to visit that particular site or page. Mainly it is comprised of two components, protocol identifier, and resource name. http. is the protocol identifier while xyz.com is the resource name.

URI is the identifier that identifies or differentiates one resource from another. Uniform Resource Identifier is comprised of major components and characters namely path, query, fragment, name, scheme, and authority. URL and URN are considered as two subsets of URI.

Comparison Table Between URL and URI

Parameters of Comparison



Stands for

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator

URI stands for Uniform Resource Identifier


It is used to locate or find the location of the resource so that the user can easily access the webpage or site

It is used to identify the resource by using the location and name.


URL majorly aims to determine the location of the resource or webpage

URI aim to identify the resource and distinguish it from another by using name or location


It is used to locate the webpages only

It is used in XML, HTML, and other relevant XSLT files


The scheme of URLs is comprised of protocols like FTP, HTTP, etc.

URI scheme comprised of specification, name, protocols, etc.

Protocol Information

It provides protocol information

It does not provide protocol information

Are they same?

All URLs can be considered as URIs

Not all the URIs are considered as URLs


URL components includes domain, path, hash, query, protocol, etc

URI components include authority, path, query, etc.

What is URL?

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator is mainly used to locate or find the location of a particular webpage on the internet. In the modern technology era, you will find thousands of websites on your search tab screen but to access a particular webpage or site you will need the address of the site or page. URL simply provides the address of the webpage or site so that the user can easily access it. The user can detect the URL on the address bar at the top of the search engine.

A URL is comprised of some components including authority, scheme, fragment, query-string, and path. Authority further consists of two components namely port and domain name. Scheme is the first component of the URL which is essentially needed to locate the resource. HTTP is the majorly used protocol. The Fragment can be considered optional and comprised of a fragment identifier that locates secondary resources. Query-string is the component that is comprised of value pair and name. The path is the whole pathway to the resource on the server of the internet.

What is URI?

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is used to identify the resource on the webserver or internet by utilizing the location and name. It operates on the syntax rule for the uniformity aspect. URI is further divided into two types, URL and URN. It is used by the users on the browsers and file-sharing platforms or software to recognize, find, and download the relevant files. URI does not provide any protocol information and is used in files like XML, HTML, and others as well.

Main Differences Between URL and URI

  1. URL and URI are common terms that may sound the same but they vary from one another. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. While URI stands for Uniform Resource Identifier.
  2. URL is used to locate or find the location of the resource so that the user can easily access the webpage or site. On the contrary, URI is used to identify the resource by using the location and name.
  3. Every technical term is used for a specific purpose or aim. URL majorly aims to determine the location of the resource or webpage. On the contrary, URI aims to identify the resource and distinguish it from another by using name or location.
  4. The scheme represents the protocol required to access the resource. The scheme of URLs is comprised of protocols like FTP, HTTP, etc. On the contrary, the URI scheme is comprised of specifications, names, protocols, etc.
  5. The technical terms have some components that are used respectively for effective working. URL components include domain, path, hash, query, protocol, etc. On the contrary, the URI components include authority, path, query, etc.


URL and URI are technical terms that may sound the same but vary from each other in several aspects. URL is used to locate the webpage and help the user to access the site and pages on the webserver. While URI identifies the resources and used in HTML, XML, and other relevant files. All URLs available on the internet can be considered as URIs but all URIs cannot be considered as URLs because URI is comprised of URL and URN and it can be used to that of a locator.


  1. https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.17487/RFC2396
  2. https://ri.conicet.gov.ar/handle/11336/139975