Difference Between Use and Usage (With Table)

Though the meaning of two words ‘use’ and ‘usage’ overlap to some extent, they cannot be used as synonyms. Majority of peoples assumes that ‘usage’ is a more formal form of ‘use’ and use ‘usage’ to make their written work more elegant. It is important to know that both of these words cannot be used as synonyms.

Use vs Usage

The main difference between ‘use’ and ‘usage’ is their meaning itself. ‘Use’ refer to the state of being used whereas ‘usage’ refers to a habitual practice in which a language or a form of language is spoken.

The term ‘use’ in the English language is both verb and noun. Oxford dictionary defines the term ‘use’ as a verb which means to hold, deploy, employ, or take something as a means of achieving or accomplishing something. In simple words, ‘use’ refer to the employment or utilization of something for a specific purpose or function.

The term ‘usage’ in the English language is a noun that is generally used in relation to a language or form of language. The majority of people use this noun to make their writing work elegant and sophisticated. ‘Usage’ gives any sentence a required sense of continuity.

Comparison Table Between Use and Usage

Parameters of Comparison



Part of speech

Use is both verbs as well as a noun.

Usage is a noun.


To take, employ, deploy, or hold anything as a means of achieving or accomplishing something is referred to as ‘Use’. 

The term ‘usage’ is defined as the custom practice or habitual practice especially as creating an obligation, right, or standard.


The term ‘use’ is originated from the Latin word ‘uti’ which means to make use of.

The term ‘usage’ is originally rooted in the word ‘use’.


The word ‘use’ is used in both formal and informal practices.

The word ‘usage’ is generally used in formal practice.


The application of the term ‘use’ is unlimited.

The application of the term ‘usage’ is limited.


I use mobile banking to avoid cash transactions.This fruit has various medicinal uses.

The usage of Air conditioner spikes after May.The high level of air conditioner usage is one of the reasons for ozone layer depletion.

What is Use?

To take, employ, deploy, or hold anything as a means of achieving or accomplishing something is referred to as ‘Use’. the word ‘use’ can be used in a number of ways- treat someone in a specific way, exploit any situation for one’s own advantage, apply a title to oneself or take or concur an amount from a limited supply.

The word ‘use’ is derived from the past participle stem of the Latin word ‘uti’ which means ‘to make use of profit by’, ‘to take advantage of’, or enjoy, and the old Latin word ‘oeti’ which means to employ, to exercise, and to perform something.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the term ‘use’ is most commonly used as a verb which means to hold, take, or deploy something for a purpose. A similar word to ‘use’ is utilized or employ, on the other hand, as a noun, ‘use’ gives several meanings. It can refer to as-

  • The sate of being used for a purpose

For example- Use of solar energy can save electricity.

  • Value of benefit of something

For example- This book is of no use for English users.

  • Habitual consumption of something

For example- Use of drugs has increased in the rural regions.

What is Usage?

The term ‘usage’ is defined as the custom practice or habitual practice especially as creating an obligation, right, or standard. A similar word for ‘usage’ is practice, custom, and habits.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the term ‘usage’ is most commonly used as a noun that is generally used in relation to a language or a form of language spoken. The majority of people tend to use this noun to make their writing piece of work more attractive and elegant. It can also be used in the following instance-

  • The state of being used

For example- Since there was a shortage of water, the public was asked to reduce water usage.

  • The habitual manner in which a language is spoken

For example- Different religions have different usage of this phrase.

Main Differences Between Use and Usage

  1. Use is both verbs as well as a noun while Usage is a noun.
  2. To take, employ, deploy, or hold anything as a means of achieving or accomplishing something is referred to as ‘Use’. As against, The term ‘usage’ is defined as the custom practice or habitual practice especially as creating an obligation, right, or standard.
  3. The term ‘use’ is originated from the Latin word ‘uti’ which means to make use of. On the other hand, The term ‘usage’ is originally rooted in the word ‘use’.
  4. The word ‘use’ is used in both formal and informal practices. Whereas, The word ‘usage’ is generally used in formal practice.
  5. The application of the term ‘use’ is unlimited. On the other hand, The application of the term ‘usage’ is limited.
  6. Example of ‘use’-
  • This fruit has various medicinal uses.

Example of ‘usage’-

  • The usage of Air conditioner spikes after May.
  • The high level of air conditioner usage is one of the reasons for ozone layer depletion.   


Although the term ‘usage’ is originally rooted in the word ‘use’, both of these words still have some distinction in contexts such as parts of speech, their origin, their application and their meaning.

Therefore, a verb form of a word should not be confused with its noun form. This is because there is a clear distinction between there different forms of part of speech of a single word though they are considered synonymous.


  1. https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037/0022-3514.77.6.1296
  2. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/02640470910934579/full/html