Difference Between Vegan and Pescatarian

You have a greater chance of developing diet-related illnesses or conditions as you grow older. Even younger people face so many health related problems solely because of unhealthy eating habits. Some say eat fish and it’ll protect your heart, while some would urge you to go vegetarian. But what if you can have it all? We explore the two eating styles to help you understand the difference between the two.

What is Vegan?

A vegan is a person who’s on a complete plant-based diet and does not take any food or food products derived from animals. Being a vegan is refraining from the consumption of animal products and going strictly vegetarian. It is a lifestyle that excludes all animal products or byproducts, including eggs, dairy products, honey and anything else of animal origin. People believe taking strictly plant-based foods rather than exploiting other animal species is not only possible but also proves to be very healthful. And a vegan diet is probably the world’s most simple solution to a host of complex health related problems. Veganism is the potent response to animal cruelty and loss of global resources, and that’s a message that resonates with a growing number of people.

What is Pescatarian?

A pescatarian is a lot like a vegetarian but also adds fish and seafood to his/her vegetarian diet. It is basically a vegetarian diet with the addition of seafood. The word pescatarian actually comes from “pesce,” which is the Italian word for fish. It is a portmanteau of pesce and the English word vegetarian, hence pescatarian. It is a combination of two eating styles – you eat vegetables and other plant-based foods, and you also take fish and seafood as your primary source of protein. It is a fun, easy and delicious way of adding protein to your daily diet. A pescatarian diet only includes fish or other aquatic animals but no other meat. This diet is the backbone of two of the world’s healthiest ways of eating – the traditional Mediterranean and Japanese diets.

Difference between Vegan and Pescatarian

Diet Type

 – Vegan diet is a more intense form of vegetarianism where a person is on a strictly plant-based diet and refrains himself from taking any kind of food or food products derived from animals. Vegan is a lifestyle that excludes all animal products or byproducts and attempts to restrict animal cruelty as much as possible. A pescatarian, on the other hand, is a vegetarian diet with the addition of seafood, which is a fun, delicious way of adding protein to your diet.

Eating Style

 – Both vegans and vegetarians avoid food and food products derived from animals for similar reasons. Vegans choose to exclude meat strictly from their diet for environmental or health related reasons, and also avoid all animal products or byproducts, including eggs, dairy products, honey and anything else of animal origin. Pescatarian, on the other hand, is a combination of two eating styles – you eat vegetables and other plant-based foods, and you also take fish and seafood as your primary source of protein.

Vegan vs. Pescatarian: Comparison Chart


A pescatarian is much like a vegetarian diet, except it is a stricter form of a vegetarian diet with the addition of seafood. A pescatarian is a combination of two eating styles, meaning you eat vegetables, fruits, eggs, and other dairy products, but you also eat fish and seafood. A pescatarian only consumes fish as the only primary source of protein and refrains from consuming any meat based products. Vegan, on the other hand, is a strict animal-free diet meaning you avoid eating all meat, fish and poultry. It excludes all other animal products; dairy products, eggs, honey and anything else of animal origin. 

Is pescatarian healthier than vegan?

A vegan diet includes vegetables and fruits, and excludes all meat, fish and poultry and dairy products including milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, and so on. There are many reasons for which one might choose to go all vegan. A pescatarian is more flexible and there’s lesser risk of nutritional deficiencies and seafood are rich in fatty acids and Omega-3 which protect from heart ailments.

What do you call a vegan who eats fish?

A vegan who eats fish is a pescatarian and they have a lot in common with the vegetarians.

Do Pescatarians live longer than vegans?

A pescatarian diet carries more health benefits since it combines two of the most delicious and healthful eating styles – you eat vegetables and fruits, which can help you maintain a healthy weight, and you also eat fish, which is a great source of protein.

Is being a pescatarian bad?

A pescatarian is a person who adds fish to his/her vegetarian diet, so you get the benefits of both the eating styles. So, being a pescatarian is not bad at all and they have a lot in common with vegetarians.

Can Pescatarians eat rice?

Yes, a pescatarian can eat rice; in fact, a pescatarian diet includes a lot of vegetables and fruits, potatoes, beans, pasta, pulses, nuts and seafood. So, rice is not a problem, but they do not take any other meat product than fish.

Can being a vegetarian be bad?

A vegetarian is someone who does not eat meat, poultry or fish. There is absolutely no problem in eating whole foods, plant-based diet; in fact, it is one of the best ways to follow a healthful diet plan. And it has its health benefits too; it is good for heart health, reduces risk of cancer, minimizes blood pressure, increases bone health, and more.