Difference Between Verbal Communication and Written Communication (With Table)

Communication is the process of interchanging feelings, information, ideas, messages, opinions with or without using words. Effective interaction is one of the essential life skills.

Communication is extremely crucial to produce better perception. Communication occurs when one person interacts with another person or more than one person. In the process of communicating, two persons are necessary.

Verbal Communication and Written Communication are two essential methods to exchange thoughts and ideas.

Verbal Communication vs Written Communication

The main difference between Verbal Communication and Written Communication is, Verbal Communication refers to the use of voice tone or spoken words to exchange ideas, Written Communication refers to the interaction through words we choose to write.

Spoken words, sound, face-to-face talk, speech, seminar, group discussion, phone call conversation, conference, interviews are the example of Verbal Communication. In this case, one can convey the message clearly and get immediate feedback. 

The mediums of Written Communication are letters, messages, notes, emails, and many other ways. Written Communication is the most reliable process to convey a message.

Comparison Table Between Verbal Communication and Written Communication 

Parameters of Comparison

Verbal Communication

Written Communication


The Verbal Communication process is also known as Oral Communication, where the idea transmits through the spoken words.

Written communication is a form of communication where we use a written or printed format to send a message.

Type of Communication

 Both formal and informal.


Medium of Communication

Spoken language, sound, words, face-to-face talk, speech, seminar, group discussion, phone call conversation, conference, interview, radio, etc.

Letters, messages, notes, emails, telegram, newspaper, journals, magazines, office memos, reports, contracts, faxes, etc.


Not required.



One can get immediate feedback.

Sometimes feedback takes time.

Personal Presence


Not required.

Transmission of Message



Proof or Record

Sometimes no proof or record of communication is there.

  As it is written, proof or record is there.

Chance of Misunderstanding

High possibility of misunderstanding.

Low chance of misunderstanding.

What is Verbal Communication? 

In Verbal Communication we generally use spoken words as the medium of communication. Spoken language, sound, spoken word, face-to-face talk, speech, phone call conversation, group discussion, conference are examples of Verbal Communication. 

The Verbal Communication method is a spontaneous and faster process for communicating. Powerful words are more effective than action. One can notice someone’s body language, voice tone, expressions during the communication process.

In this process, people talk to each other and communicate by exchanging their feelings, likes, dislikes, views, etc. Sound is the most strong element in Verbal Communication, as most people have vocal cords that produce sounds. 

Good Verbal Communication skills are essential for collaborating and communicating with others. It increases the ability of individuals to share feelings and ideas. 

To speak concisely and politely with customers or clients, one needs good Verbal Communication skills.

There are four types of Verbal Communication, Intrapersonal Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Small Group Communication, Public Communication.

Intrapersonal Communication is a form of communication that is very private and confidential. Interpersonal Communication takes place between two persons. 

Small-Group Communication takes place within few people. Public Communication develops with so many people through television, social media, live telecast, radio, etc.  Verbal Communication is essential in every aspect of a business. Verbal Communication is suitable for both literate and illiterate people to communicate.

What is Written Communication?  

Written Communication develops through sending and receiving a message in written format. We can convey messages through letters, emails, messaging, notes, journals, and many other ways.

It is a very reliable way of communication because we can preserve, carefully drafted, and formal. This mode is preferred in the business and official world. Written Communication is easy to keep. 

In this mode, we can convey the message plan fully and very carefully. Very little chance of misinterpretation or wrong delivery of the message as it is organized and words are chosen very carefully.

Written Communication is a lengthy process quick feedback is sometimes not possible. This form of communication is not suitable for illiterate people. It is compatible with literate people.

Verbal Communication and Written Communication are effective for improving human relationships.The goal of Verbal and Written Communication is to convey information. Both play a significant role in our lives.

We use Verbal Communication in personal conversations as it is less time-consuming and easy to express our feelings and moods. However, Written Communication is used in business and official matters as it is the more trustworthy mode of communication.


  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=m9-1B8xKJo6IC&oi=fnd&pg=PR11&dq=written+communication&ots=bZn38_bX_a&sig=xpAgMIKdybSicGO5UpwXT15Jr
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=RcN5AgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=verbal+communication&ots=ZxRJ4dAzP0&sig=xekeWqY7JwpjtxVU_idvownoW-8