Difference Between Waxing and Sugaring

Waxing vs Sugaring

There are many methods to remove unwanted hair from our bodies, and the method chosen really depends on each individual’s preferences. Sugaring and waxing are two of the common methods used, and it is useful to understand the pros and cons of each, as well as what the methods involve, before going to a professional to have your hair removed. Both of these methods are usually done by a professional, and will remove the hair only temporarily, but for a longer period of time than ordinary shaving.

Most people are familiar with how waxing works. The process of waxing can use hot or cold wax, but if the wax is too hot, it can burn the skin. Hot waxing is more effective than cold waxing, because the heat from the hot wax causes the skin’s pores to open, and the hairs are then more easily pulled from their roots.

The waxing procedure involves the use of warm wax which is in a liquid form, and this is applied to the areas where the hair must be removed. Pieces of cloth are then placed on top of the wax, and the wax and cloth is left for a period of time to cool and harden a little. The pieces of cloth are then pulled off the skin in the direction that the hair grows. Since the hairs are pulled out by their roots, the re-growth of hair is postponed for up to eight weeks. As a forewarning though, waxing can be painful!

On the other hand, sugaring is a less painful procedure that works in much the same way as waxing. The difference is the substance applied on the skin to remove the hair. Instead of wax, the professional will use a paste-like substance, which is a combination of water, sugar and lemon. This paste is applied to the skin, and the heat of the skin raises the temperature of the paste, making it more pliable. The paste is applied against the direction of hair growth, and then removed with tweezers in the opposite direction. This procedure also removes the hairs by their roots.

Sugaring has contraindications for persons who use retin A and acutane. The process should not be used for twelve months in acutane users, or for three days after the use of retin A.

As mentioned, sugaring is less painful than waxing, because sugaring is more of an exfoliation process. Rashes are more likely to occur after the waxing process than after the sugaring process. Another advantage of sugaring, is that the sugary substance is easier to clean from the skin than the sticky substance of the wax. The main differences between these two methods are the substances used to remove the hair, and the fact that waxing could use heat, whereas, sugaring does not involve any heat other than from the skin’s natural temperature.


1.The method of sugaring is less painful than waxing.
2.The waxing method uses hot or cold wax, whereas, sugaring uses a paste made from water, sugar and lemon.
3.It is easier to clean the skin after sugaring, than after waxing.
4.Waxing usually makes use of heat to aid the hair removal process, whereas the sugar mixture is not heated.
5.Rashes are more likely to appear after waxing than after sugaring.
6.Sugaring has certain contraindications.