Difference Between Wealth and Income (With Table)

The amount of money we have, speaks more than us. But it is not always about money. The love you earned and the people you have are also your Income and your Wealth. Don’t underestimate yourself with low Income and less Wealth. You can get by letting yourself be motivated.
Wealth is defined as the worth of property or assets in economics. Income is the earning by completing tasks. Wealth and income are directly proportional to each other. Both show the value and respect of humans.

Wealth Vs Income

The main difference between Wealth and Income is total assets and capital invested. Wealth has no limitation but, it is the property. Income has limitations sometimes. Wealth is the value of your property but, Income is the money from your work. Depend on wealth and income you must pay the tax to the government. You can increase the wealth by income, and also increase the income by your wealth.

Wealth is the value of the whole property of one person’s asset.
It is the accumulation of resources. It denotes the value of each resource owned by the person. For example, she has more amount of money, mentions the value of money. That explains the Wealth of one person. Wealth allows you to make healthy decisions have financial freedom. The financial assets of one person are called Wealth.

Income is money you earn for your work. By exchanging the product, and services the Income is obtained. Gaining money by investing in stocks is also an income. Money from various sources like Pensions, wages are Income. The money which is consent to the taxation all is Income. There are many ways to earn Income. Income is cleaved into many types. Proficiency in the types of Income will help you to gross more Income.

Comparison Table Between Wealth and Income

Parameters on comparison




Wealth is the value of your assets or property

Income is the earnings by completing tasks


Wealth tax

Income tax


Ownership of property

Rental income for the property


Wealth need more time to accrue

Income is the instant happiness


Wealth include money, land, papers, power, etc

Income includes only money.

What is Wealth?

Wealth is a large amount of abundance or power of attorney or riches or well-being. Wealth shows the value, or power, or background of one person. The more resources you have, the more attention you get. Wealth is being preplanned and predominated. How important it is to save as much as we earn is very important to keep the assets. One who is talented to accumulate resources and invested is in the path of victory.

Wealth is into three main types, which are Financial Wealth, Physical Wealth, and Social Wealth. Financial Wealth is the Financial background and the value of assets, and the amount of money. Physical Wealth is the health history or health value of one person. Social Wealth is the social value in the society for that person. These three Wealth can determine a person’s Wealth from top to bottom.

Wealth is not only the amount of money you have but the people you earned by your love. It shows the real Wealth of one person. Wealth is in various terms and means but, depending on the perspective, it changes. A healthy man has much Wealth. Wealthy man shows in good in money and character. Wealth is second compared to health. Only a healthy human can make more wealth and keep that.

What is Income?

Income is the earnings or wages or salary for your services or production or work. The more you earn will result in your Wealth. There are many options to increase the income, but we aren’t aware of it. The money you earned or by getting in your investment is called income.

The income is into three namely active income, portfolio income, and passive income. The active income shows the money you earned by completing the tasks or provide your services. The portfolio income is nothing but the investment on your property or shares or in the stock market. It being or increase the stocks of the assets. Passive income is partnering in someone’s business or buying something like websites.

The active income tax, portfolio tax, and passive income tax affect your income directly. You must pay every tax to the government. Exploring the different terms of income helps in more earning of income. The earned income, business income, interest income, dividend income, capital gains are the terms in income. The income is the total amount you gained monthly or annually.

Main Differences Between Wealth and Income

  1. The wealth is the total asset but, the income is the earning monthly or annually
  2. The wealth is the savings but, income is daily earnings.
  3. The wealth shows the power of assets, and income enhances the amount of money.
  4. The wealth takes more time to earn and the income is an immediate process
  5. The wealth includes money, land, etc but income includes only money.
  6. The wealth is what he owns, and income is what he earns.


A wealthy person is more respectable than the daily wagers in society. But the income matters more than the wealth. If you’re not earning but using all your wealth results in empty of your money with no income. Daily wagers are more respectable than wealthy men. Wealth sows the net worth of your property, income shows the hard work you put in to increase the wealth of your assets. Everyone is respectable. Never underestimate a person with their money and wealth. There is a saying called that ant will melt the stone. Your aim will be to larger the wealth by increasing the income.


  1. https://www.jstor.org/stable/1912788
  2. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1475-4932.2004.00181.x