Difference Between White and Black People

White Vs Black People

How are the black people different from the white denomination? Obviously, it all boils down to skin color of course. Nonetheless, the term ‘white or black’ has been used to describe certain races, at least metaphorically.

Also termed the Caucasians, the white people are called as such, primarily because of their seemingly light skin pigmentation. These people are those who are basically European in ancestry. They have the lightest skin color (almost to the point of having no skin color at all when untanned); though you can’t safely pinpoint the Americans to be purely white because of the great diversity in their specific sub-races.

Earlier definitions of black people described them as those who are of Sub Saharan-African ancestry. Today, the term has been embraced to include the indigenous inhabitants of Oceania and even some parts of Southeast Asia. Along with this are key characteristics like the hair texture being afro-like (dense, thick and wooly haired individuals) and of course those who really look black.

Black skin color is due to too much melanin ‘“ the skin pigment responsible for color. Scientifically, this pigment is a form of protection against the harsh rays of the sun and other external factors. That’s why white people are more prone to have sunburn when left exposed under the heat of the sun for prolonged periods of time, compared to the blacks. Also, they are more prone to having skin cancer with particular mention to those from Australia as they are the ones with the highest skin cancer index.

The blacks, on the other hand, are more protected from vitamin folate destruction which makes them healthier beings for reproduction. Hence, it is safe to say that under natural conditions (without the aid of medicine, vitamins and other forms of supplementation) the blacks have a higher life expectancy and chances of survival and reproduction when left in the tropics compared to the white people.

Not to demean either group, it has been said (although not proven yet) that there are some other differences between them. Some scientists claim that black people are less intelligent and more prone to commit violence than the whites. Most likely it is because of the way they think. However, there’s no clear proof to this notion yet and even if there will be proof, the case is difficult to get generalized as being intelligent and violent can be a result of lots of variables and situations that are hard to control. In addition, it has also been noted that both blacks and whites have different reactions to some drugs. And like the ones mentioned earlier, either group has some predispositions to certain diseases which make one group more likely to have them compared to the other.


1. Black people are those who are of Sub Saharan-African ancestry, while the white people are those who are primarily European in decent.
2. Black people have very dark skin colors compared to the whites who have very light skin.
3. Black people have wooly and denser hair compared to the whites who often have straight and light-colored hair.