Difference Between White and Green Ash

White Ash vs  Green Ash

Ash wood is very much preferred by carpenters and craftsmen because of its flexibility, versatile properties and strength. One can come across various varieties of ash wood and the favourite ones are the white and green ash.

White ash is Fraxinus americana and green ash is Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall. Here let us discuss some of the differences between white and green ash.

One can easily distinguish green ash from white ash by just looking at the leaves. The green ash leaves are smaller than white ash leaves. The difference is noticeable in the leaf scars. The leaves of white ash leave a U- shaped scar where as the leaves of green ash leaves as D ‘“shaped scar.

The white ash gets its name because of the white green leaf undersides. In some white ash trees, the leaves have orange or yellow colour that gets transferred to purple or red colour in a later stage. Green Ash gets the name because the leaves are completely green.

The white ash grows taller than the green ash. The white ash is known to reach a height of 80 feet tall whereas Green ash is known to grow about 70 feet tall.

White ash normally grows in moist soil, especially well drained soils having neutral pH acidity. On the other hand, green ash grows in all types of soil such as clay, rocky, sandy soils. Unlike the white ash, the green ash withstands all environmental conditions. When white ash needs full sunlight to grow, green ash grows in full sunlight as well as partial sunlight.

Another noticeable difference between the two ash trees is in their bark. Unlike the green ash, the white ash barks do not become flaky.


1. The leaves of green ash are smaller than the leaves of white ash.
2. The leaves of white ash leave a U- shaped scar where as the leaves of green ash leaves as D ‘“shaped scar.
3. The white ash gets its name because of the white green leaf undersides. Green Ash gets the name because the leaves are completely green.
4. The white ash grows taller than the green ash.
5. White ash normally grows in moist soil, especially well drained soils having neutral pH acidity. On the other hand, green ash grows in all types of soil such as clay, rocky, sandy soils.
6. Unlike the green ash, the white ash barks do not become flaky.