Difference Between White Rum and Dark Rum

White Rum vs. Dark Rum

Rum is an alcoholic beverage made out of sugar cane by-products such as molasses and sugarcane juice, through the processes of fermentation and distillation. The product of these processes, a clear liquid, is then aged in barrels to achieve the final end product: rum.

Categorizing rum is seemingly complicated, as there is no particular standard for its constitution. Instead, it can be defined by existing standard rules and regulations of nations that manufacture this famous drink. Variations in categories include spirit proofing, minimum aging; standards included. In Australia, they divide rums into white and dark. White rum is commonly used in cocktails, while dark rum is usually drunk straight and used for cooking.

Spanish speaking countries traditionally produce white rums with fairly clean taste. Examples of countries that produce excellent white rums are Cuba, Panama, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Colombia, and Venezuela.

Dark rums are more common in English speaking countries, and are known for their fuller taste that retains a greater amount of underlying molasses and, sometimes, caramel flavor. Countries that produce mostly dark rum are Belize, Bermuda, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, and Jamaica. Mexico also produces a number of brands of both white and dark rums.

White rum is also referred to as silver or light rum. It has very little flavor aside from its sweetness, serving as the base of several cocktail recipes. The milder flavor of white rum makes it popular to use in mixed drinks as opposed to being drunk straight. Sometimes, they are filtered right after they are aged to eradicate other colors that would affect its white tint. The majority of white rums are produced in Puerto Rico.

Dark rum is also referred to as red or black rum. As the name implies, it are darker in color and aged for a longer period of time in heavy burnt barrels. White rum does not have the strong flavor of dark rum; dark rum, on the other hand, has tinges of spices together with strong molasses and occasional overtones of caramel. Dark rum is also sometimes used in cocktail drinks, and is the variety most commonly used in cooking. It mostly comes from Jamaica, Haiti, and Martinique, as well as Nicaragua and Guatemala.

Yeast and water are added to the base ingredient at the start of the fermentation process. The yeast determines the end taste and smell of the rum. Distillers that produce white rum tend to use fast-working yeasts, as slow-working yeasts can cause more amounts of esters to form during fermentation.

In Germany, there is a substitute for dark rum called blended rum. It had this name because it is a distilled beverage made of genuine dark rum rectified spirit and water. Most often, some caramel coloring is used as well. It has a lower amount of genuine rum, but it tastes very similar to the real thing. Two Central American countries, Nicaragua and Guatemala, produce two of the most award-winning dark rums in the world, respectively: Flor de Cana and Ron Zacapa Centenario.

The aging process determines the coloring of the rum. Aging, commonly done using bourbon casks, can also involve stainless tanks or wooden casks. Dark rums are usually aged in oak casks, while white rums are usually aged in stainless steel tanks.

Blending, the final phase of the rum-making process ensures that rum has a steady flavor. White rum is sometimes filtered during this process in order to take away the color it has gained during the aging process, while in dark-colored rums, caramel is added.

Because dark rums are produced in charred oak barrels, they are usually heavy in flavor, and some describe them as having a much sweeter taste as compared to other, lighter rums. White rums, in contrast, are usually described as generally sweet with a much lighter feel. Whether dark or white, rum is an excellent drink that can be used for cooking and drinking, whether alone or mixed with other flavors and spirits.


1· White rum is aged in stainless steel barrels, while dark rum is aged in charred oak barrels.

2· Dark rum takes longer to age than white rum.

3· Dark rum has a stronger taste and overtones than white rum.

4· Caramel may be added to darken rum, while a filtering process may be utilized to make lighter rum, such as white rum.

5· Dark rum is more famous for drinking straight and cooking, while white rum is commonly used in cocktails and mixed drinks.