Difference Between Will and Would (With Table)

Although the English language originated in England, now it is an international language. Currently, it is the official language of many countries, and millions of people communicate with each other through this language.

The most important aspect of this language is grammar. Even though it is very simple, but many people do not use it properly and cause confusion. Along with Tense, the right application of Verb develops meaning to the sentence.

Improper use of any word cause confusion and it can even express rudeness. Therefore, it is important to use grammar properly to avoid such miscommunication. If used properly, I can depict politeness appropriately.

Modal verbs are an important subject matter of English grammar and these verbs are often used in the English language. “Will” and “would” are two English Verbs that often people use in their sentences. Improper use of these Verbs can cause huge perplexity in the sentences.

Will vs Would

The main difference between Will and Would is that Will is a modal auxiliary verb which is used to describe something that is expected to take place in the future. Would is depicted as the past tense of Will in some cases, which is used to describe something that took place in the future during the present action.


Comparison Table Between Will and Would (in Tabular Form)

Parameter of Comparison




In the English language “Will” is an auxiliary modal verb, which only portrays explicit future actions

“Would” can be used to describe both as an auxiliary modal verb and conditional verb, where the prospect is no longer possible.


“Will” is used in the present tense to describe the future event.

“Would” is used as the past tense of the future event.

Used in

“Will” is used for prediction, decisions, offers, and promises.

“Would” is used for invitations, asking for permission, requests, preferences, and making arrangements.

Conditional Statement

“Will” is used as the first conditional statement in the sentence.

“Would” is used as second or third conditional statements in the sentence.


A possible future event.

An event that did not happen in the future.


When to Use the Word Will?

Although in few cases “will” is used as a noun, but most of the time it is as a verb. This word talks about an event that might happen in the future. It is known as a modal auxiliary verb. The word showcases someone’s intention of doing something in the future. Most of the time people use it in their definite statements.

As an example, “I will go shopping in the evening.” Or “We will be in Singapore tomorrow.”

This modal verb can also be used to make promises & offers. As an example, “I will buy you a gift for your birthday.” Or “I will lend you some money if possible.”

Many times it is also used as the first conditional statement. As an example, “If you don’t take precaution, you will be injured by accident.” Or “If you work hard, you will get success.”

The word “will” can also be used to express belief. As an example, “I believe you will get good grades this year.” Or “Economist believes the future will be better”.

It is also used to express a decision. As an example, “I am not feeling good; I will have a glass of water.” Or “I need money, I will work for anyone.”


When to Use the Word Would?

The past tense form of will can be described as would. This modal verb is used to describe past events that didn’t happen. As an example, “We thought we would be able to catch the train at 8.00 P.M.”

The word “would” can also be used to put forward hypotheses and imaginations. As an example, “If I had wings, I would fly back to my house.” Or “if we all love each other, the world would be a better place.”

By using this verb anyone can report the past conversation. As an example, “I wasn’t feeling well, so I would have a glass of water.” It is used to describe events in the past tense.

It can also be used with past perfect tense. As an example, “If you worked hard, you would have a great result.” Or “If you went to medical school, you would have become a doctor.”

Another way the word “would” can be used to express politeness. As an example, “Would you mind giving me your textbook?” Or “Would you mind if I come a little late tomorrow?” Or “Would you like to have jasmine tea?” Or “I would like to have a glass of wine.”

Main Differences Between Will and Would

  1. The word “will” is used to depict the future, where certain things are possibly going to happen. On the other hand the word “would” describes a prospect that is no longer possible.
  2. In the English language “will” is used in the present tense. Where “would” is used as past tense.
  3. In a sentence, the word “Will” is applied to convey prediction, decisions, offers, and promises. On the other hand, the word “would” conveys permission, requests, preferences, and making arrangements.
  4. As a first conditional statement “will” can be used in a statement. Where the word “would” is used as second or third conditional statements.
  5. The word “will” explains a possible future event. But the word “would” explains the event that did not happen.
  6. Most of the time the word “would” is used to show politeness. But, the word “will” is used as a general word.



Proper usage of these auxiliary modal verbs improves the richness of the English language. Appropriate use of these verbs removes the confusion from the sentences. The application of grammar is very important to build good communication with others. It not only makes the right statement, but it can also express politeness appropriately.

By appropriately using the word “will” anyone can express their decisions, prediction, offers, and promises. On the other hand, anyone can express requests, preferences, arrangements, hypotheses, and politeness by using the word “would”. Use the word “will” to make the first conditional statement and use the word “would” to make second or third conditional statements.



  1. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/will
  2. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/would