Difference Between Winter and Spring

Winter vs Spring

Spring and winter are two of the four main seasons on the planet which can vary according to geographical location and environmental climate. During winter and spring, there are certain occurrences that take place as exemplified by changes with nature. Because of the Earth’s natural revolution, these seasons came to be.

Spring is the time when nature and vegetation starts to surface once again. Winter is the other end of the line wherein the surroundings are made not conducive for plant growth and development. In terms of order of occurrence, spring is technically the prime or first season which usually occurs sometime between the months of March and May for the northern half of the world (temperate zones) while September to November for those residing in the Southern half.
Spring is the link between the season of winter and summer. Geographers, environmentalists, and poets have all considered this season as a time for rebirth. This can also be taken in its most literal sense since (as mentioned) most life will be reborn during this time of the year. In addition, during the spring equinox, the total daytime will cycle as far as 12 hours and continues to increase as springtime progresses.

Astronomically speaking, spring starts with the mark of the vernal equinox around March 20-21 for the North while September 22-23 in the South. Take note, there are still some countries that do not depend on the onset of the vernal equinox like Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa in which their spring season usually starts on September 1. In the North, some European countries (i.e. Ireland) experience a different start of spring which is on February 1.

Winter is undoubtedly the coldest season. In the Northern half, winter happens sometime around December to February while the Southern half of the planet experiences winter between June and August. It is also beneficial to know that the Northern half tilts on the way to the sun, which leads to the summer season in the regions belonging to this hemisphere. At this time, the other end (Southern hemisphere) is most likely to experience winter. During the latter half of the year, it is the Southern half which will tilt on the way to the sun resulting in the occurrence of summer in most of the regions in this hemisphere. The other half experiences winter.


1.Winter is the coldest season of the year.
2.Spring is a time for rebirth of vegetation and flora as well as a marked increase in activity of fauna.
3.During wintertime, the growth of vegetation is halted and many species even die out. Many of the mammalian fauna will reach a standstill and hibernate.
4.Spring links winter to summer.