Difference Between Xanax and Lexapro (With Table)

Many assume mistakenly that Xanax and Lexapro are the same. This misconception can result in fatal outcomes. That is why it is very important to have a clear concept of the differences between the two. These two are medicines that are taken only when prescribed to treat anxiety and depression or anxiety with depression.

Xanax vs Lexapro

The main difference between Xanax and Lexapro is that Xanax is a benzodiazepine that can be consumed up to 3 or 4 times per day to treat anxiety and panic disorders, whereas Lexapro is an SSRI drug that can be taken only once daily to treat depression and anxiety. Xanax is observed to be more effective to treat anxiety for a short time. But Lexapro takes a long time, like almost a week, to fully work against depression.

Xanax, which is also referred to as Alprazolam., is very good to treat depression and anxiety. The side effects one faces after consuming the medicine are memory problems, dry mouth, sleepiness, depression, etc. One while being pregnant should not consume the medicine. Nevertheless, it will not be a great option if one is having any kind of liver or heart problems.

Lexapro is mainly used for treating problems like major depressive disorder or generalized anxiety disorder. Lexapro is also known as Escitalopram and Cipralex. The most common and regular side effects which one faces are headaches, Nausea, Somnolence, and sleeplessness. Extreme portions of Lexapro normally cause comparatively lesser untoward effects, like agitation and tachycardia.

Comparison Table Between Xanax and Lexapro

Parameters of Comparison



Scientific Medical Name



Used for

Manage short-term management of anxiety disorders, especially panic disorder or GAD.

Treat a major depressive disorder or any generalized anxiety disorder.

Time of effect

Acts very quickly, sometimes within hours.

Considerably takes a bit longer.

Common side Effects

Dry mouth, memory problems, sleeplessness, depression, and tiredness.

Trouble sleeping, nausea, and tiredness.

US popularity position (2018)

37th most prescribed medicine.

22nd most prescribed medicine.

What is Xanax?

Xanax is the name under which Alprazolam is sold in the market. The most common use of the medicine is to manage short-term management of anxiety disorders, especially panic disorder or GAD or generalized anxiety disorder. There are few more uses of the latter, like chemotherapy-induced nausea or along with the medication with other treatments. This medicine is available in the form of tablets and is consumed by mouth.

The common side effects observed in the people who take it are dry mouth, memory problems, sleeplessness, depression, and tiredness. With the help of Xanax, used for a few days, tiredness and some of the sedation may improve. The rare and more serious concern associated with the use of Xanax is the tendency of suicide that may be triggered by the loss of repression.

According to the statistics, it is observed that Xanax is the 37th most common medicine prescribed to 20 million people in the United States in the year 2018. Due to concerns about ill-usage, some doctors do not prescribe Xanax as an introductory medication for panic disorder or panic attacks.

There are few issues that a medical professional keeps in mind while prescribing Xanax are whether the patient is suffering from problems like severe liver deficiencies, pre-existing respiratory depression, etc.

What is Lexapro?

Lexapro is also known as Cipralex or more popularly and scientifically as Escitalopram. Lexapro is used to treat a major depressive disorder or any generalized anxiety disorder. This medicine is available in tablet form and is consumed by mouth.

There are few common side effects one faces after the consumption of the medicine. They include few sexual problems along with trouble sleeping, nausea, and tiredness. The more matter of concern is the major side effects of the latter, which the tendency of committing suicide if the medicine is used by anyone under the age of 25. The use of Lexapro during the period of pregnancy or breastfeeding is safe or not is still not clear.

Sometimes Lexapro is substituted by a double dose of citalopram. According to the statistics, in the year 2018, Lexapro was the 22nd most commonly prescribed medicine in the United States, and approximately more than 25 million are prescribed with it.

Lexapro helps in increasing the extrasynaptic levels of the neurotransmitter known as serotonin by blocking the reuptake of the neurotransmitter into one presynaptic neuron. Lexapro is the underlying phenomenon of P-glycoprotein. Therefore, P-glycoprotein inhibitors, for example, verapamil and quinidine, may help in improving the blood-brain barrier penetrability.

Main Differences Between Xanax and Lexapro

  1. The medicinal and scientific name of Xanax is Alprazolam, and that of Lexapro is Escitalopram.
  2. Xanax is used to treat and manage short-term management of anxiety disorders, especially panic disorder or GAD, whereas Lexapro is used to treat a major depressive disorder or any generalized anxiety disorder.
  3. Xanax acts very quickly and takes only a few hours to start working and show its effect, whereas Lexapro takes a considerable amount of time.  
  4. The common side effects one faces after the consumption of Xanax are dry mouth, memory problems, sleeplessness, depression, and tiredness. And in the case of Lexapro, the common side effects are trouble sleeping, nausea, and tiredness.
  5. According to statics, in the year 2018, the 37th most prescribed medicine in the United States is Xanax, whereas Lexapro is the 22nd one.


These medicines have had very useful and powerful effects on the people who use them to treat their anxiety and depression or both. Many confuse these two medicines with being each other alternative or substitute. But if any one of them is taken without a proper prescription, the result may be fatal. Xanax is also sold under the Alprazolam, whereas Lexapro has the name Escitalopram.

Putting it into simple terms, Xanax is used to manage and treat panic attacks. In comparison, Lexapro is prescribed to treat depression and sometimes anxiety as well. One can get dependent on a daily dosage of Xanax and can sometimes even get addictive, whereas Lexapro causes one to a bit gain weight of 1 to 5 pounds.


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