Difference Between Yeast and Bacterial Infection (With Table)

Poor hygiene can cause many problems like fungal and bacterial infections in any body part. And if not treated properly, the infection can increase and can become a chronic or long-term problem. Therefore people should maintain their hygiene. Eating healthy food, bathing daily, and cleaning every body part daily is very essential for good health and disease-free life.

Yeast infection and Bacterial infection both are body infections and usually target specific unhygienic body parts. Yeast infections are caused by Yeast which usually lives in our body, but when it starts overgrowing, it may result in infection or discomfort in specific body parts. While Bacterial infections are caused by Bacteria that enter inside the body part and cause infection.

Yeast Infection vs Bacterial Infection

The main difference between Yeast Infection and Bacterial Infection is that Yeast lives inside our body, but when the body ph gets imbalanced, it starts to grow abnormally and causes discomfort, which results in infection. Whereas Bacterial Infection is caused by bacterias that enter the body through the air or any cuts or openings in the body and multiply themselves rapidly if not treated properly, they cause infection.

Yeast infection causes itching, redness, and swelling to a particular body part, and it gets spread to other body parts easily. Usually, these infections are less harmful and can be prevented by maintaining good hygiene. The most common example of this infection is a vaginal yeast infection that causes itching and burning sensation and is caused by the fungus candida.

Bacterial Infection, if treated on time, can be less harmful but, if not treated properly, can cause chronic and severe problems. Bacterias do not live inside our bodies. They usually enter our body through the nasal cavity, mouth, cuts, and other openings in our body. These type of infections mostly targets immune system of the body and weakens it which results in getting more type of infections or diseases.

Comparison Table Between Yeast and Bacterial Infection

Parameters of Comparison

Yeast Infection

Bacterial Infection


Yeast infection causes discomfort on the skin of a specific body part, and it does not get inside the body part. This infection is caused by Yeast or Fungus and causes rashes or redness, and itching on the skin.

Bacterial infection takes place inside the body that irregulates the function of a particular body part and also weakens the immune system.


This infection can be treated with antifungal medications which are available in the market as powders, creams, ointments, and tablets, etc.

Bacterial infections are treated with the help of antibiotics that can be taken in the form of tablets or pills. And they resist strains of the bacteria from emerging.


Yeast is eukaryotic, which means their cell contains a nucleus, and they belong to the fungus kingdom. For example, Rhodotorula, Torulopsis, and Trichosporon, etc.

Bacterias are prokaryotic, which means they are unicellular organisms and are microscopic, for example, Streptococcus pyrogens, Streptococcus pneumonia, etc.

Symptoms and Causes

Yeast infections are caused by poor hygiene and poor health. The symptoms include itching, irritation on the skin and rashes, etc.

Bacterial infection symptoms include fever, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, groin, etc. And is caused by the transmission of dangerous bacterias inside the body.

Mean of Transmission

The transmission modes include exchanging private things like clothes, undergarments, and towels, etc.

Bacterial infection transmission modes are airborne, contact, droplet and vectors, etc.


Yeast infections examples are vaginal infection, skin irritation, and jock itch, etc.

Bacterial infection examples are strep throat, bacterial urinary tract infections (UTIs), bacterial food poisoning, etc.

What is Yeast Infection?

Yeast Infection is caused by various types of saprophytes which reside in our bodies. They do not cause any harm usually, but when they grow excessively or rapidly abnormally, they cause infections. Infections include vaginal yeast infection, ringworms, etc. Mostly Yeast infection hits on the skin and makes it itchy. The more you itch, the more it spread.

This infection happens due to abnormal body temperature because that temperature helps these types of fungi to grow more, and as they grow more, they cause discomfort and irritation on the skin. And it can be transmitted easily by an infected person to another person. The most common place which gets infected is the folds of the skin.

The initial stage of this infection is not that much harmful and can be treated with antifungal creams and powders available in the market. But if not treated properly and with improper medication, the infection can develop on various body parts and can become harmful.

What is Bacterial Infection?

Bacterial Infection can happen in almost any area of the body part. It happens due to the rapid production of a noxious strain of bacteria inside the human body. This infection needs to be treated with care as if not medicated properly. This can be a lifelong problem. Some examples of Bacterial Infections are bacterial vaginosis, syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea, etc.

Bacteria are larger, and they rapidly grow on their own. Bacterial Infection harms the immunity of a person, which makes their body a suitable host for other bacteria and viruses. Symptoms of this infection include headache, fatigue, cough, runny nose, etc., which are similar to a viral infection. Common skin bacterial infections include cellulitis, impetigo, etc.

Bacterial Infection is treated with antibiotics or oral medication, and the medication depends on the type of bacteria that has affected the body. The antibiotics heps to destroy the call growth of the bacteria and stops the process, thus reducing infection.

Main Differences Between Yeast and Bacterial Infection

  1. Yeast infection causes discomfort on the skin of a specific body part, and it does not get inside the body part. This infection is caused by Yeast or Fungus and causes rashes or redness, and itching on the skin. On the other hand, Bacterial infection takes place inside the body that irregulates the function of a particular body part and also weakens the immune system.
  2. Bacterial infection transmission modes are airborne, contact, droplet and vectors, etc. While the Yeast infection transmission modes include exchanging private things like clothes, undergarments, and towels, etc.
  3. Yeast infections are caused by poor hygiene and poor health. The symptoms include itching, irritation on the skin and rashes, etc. Whereas Bacterial infection symptoms include fever, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, groin, etc. And is caused by the transmission of dangerous bacterias inside the body.
  4. Yeast is eukaryotic, which means their cell contains a nucleus and they belongs to the fungus kingdom. For example, Rhodotorula, Torulopsis, and Trichosporon, etc. Whereas Bacterias are prokaryotic, which means they are unicellular organisms and are microscopic. For example, Streptococcus pyrogens, Streptococcus pneumonia, etc.
  5. Bacterial infection examples are strep throat, bacterial urinary tract infections (UTIs), bacterial food poisoning, etc. While Yeast infection examples are vaginal infection, skin irritation, and jock itch, etc.


Yeast infections and Bacterial infections are different, but both are caused by poor hygiene. Sharing things from the infected person can also spread the infection; therefore, people should use their things, not others. Bacterial infections are caused by bacterias like chlamydia, Neisseria gonorrhea, etc. can cause harmful body infections that can be lifelong if not treated on time.

Yeast is good as well as bad for our body. It depends on its type. Some types of yeast are mixed with foods for making the food fluffy, but yeast which is found in the body can become harmful and causes Yeast infections if proper hygiene is not maintained. They can use redness, itchiness, etc., on the skin. On the other hand, Bacterial infection can spread from person to person through the air, water, etc., and can cause difficulty in breathing, fatigue, etc., to a person.


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0196064495701680
  2. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-66956-9_1