Difference Between Zombies and Infected

Zombies and their world is a fascinating one for many. There are scores of video games where players encounter zombies who are out there to eat the brains of human beings. Of late there have been games in which a newer variety of zombies have been depicted and they are being referred to as infected and not zombies. There are many who believe there is essentially no difference in zombies and infected. However this is not correct and there are quite a few differences between these two types of horrific creatures that will be highlighted in this article.

The infected, which are also referred to as fast zombies in some games and by gaming freaks are not zombies in the true sense of the word. In fact, infected are real people, still alive, whose bodies have been ravaged by some pathogen that captures and destroys the bodies and minds of the victims. An infected attacks any human being, even though he may have emotional connection with a person in the past. He attacks with ferocity and all his strength. He is typically hostile, hateful and sinister. They are more violent than there cousins, the zombies, but have short time span as their bodies begin to dehydrate and organs begin to fail. They get killed when hit fatally on torso, or when they bleed in an extreme manner. On the contrary, zombies die only when their brain is completely destroyed. Zombies persist for years without food or water.

Zombies vs Infected

• Zombies are slow moving thus enabling a human being to escape easily when attacked by a small number of zombies. Infected on the hand are fast and do not give up chase of human beings easily. Both feel no pain while chasing and stop only when there is a complex barrier to stop them.

• Zombies die only when their brain is destroyed. Infected can be killed by violent hit on torso or by shooting any other body part. They also get killed by poisonous gases.

• Zombies do not require food or water while infected requires them as their bodies decompose quickly.

• Primary motivation of zombies is consumption of their preys. On the other hand, infected are motivated to destroy their victims, and they either bite or inject their body fluids into their victims.

• Zombies are officially dead. They are walking corpses. On the other hand, infected are living beings that have been infected by some pathogen.

• Zombies freeze below a certain temperature while infected die when frozen.