Differences Between a Gopher and a Woodchuck

Gopher vs Woodchuck

Rodents can either be pets or pests. Among those considered to be the pests or enemies of humankind are the gopher and woodchuck. The United States is sadly inhabited by these small, pesky rodents. Gophers and woodchucks have two favorite activities in common. They love to gnaw and dig. However, when it comes to digging, count on the gophers to create more havoc since they keep on digging holes in lawns and golf areas. When it comes to gnawing, the woodchucks are better experts since they gnaw wiring structures with their very sharp teeth.

Gophers are smaller than woodchucks. Gophers only grow to approximately 5 to 7 inches in length while  woodchucks are considerably larger rodents that can grow to around 16 to 20 inches in length. Woodchucks also have an astonishing weight of 4 to 6 pounds. Gophers have a rat-like tail while woodchucks have furry tails. A woodchuck also looks similar to that of a common squirrel. Both gophers and woodchucks are gray or brown in color.

Gophers and woodchucks have small eyes and ears. The front teeth of a gopher are very large, and they remain exposed even if it closes its mouth. On the other hand, the front teeth of the woodchuck are not visible except when it opens its mouth. Gophers love to dig because they have relatively large and sharp front claws while the woodchucks only have uniformly sized front and rear claws.

Both gophers and woodchucks love to eat. Gophers love eating flowers, seeds, roots, shoots, and arthropod insects. When they dig, they usually eat. Though woodchucks love to chew on wires, they love it best when they eat something veggie like dandelions, leaves, clover, and bark. At times, woodchucks eat bird eggs and insects. So how do you know when these gophers or woodchucks have messed up your territory? If you observe roots and bulbs with missing parts, they have been chewed on, most likely, by gophers because they are their favorite foods. If the tree trunks and power lines have chew marks, the woodchucks had been invading you.

During the mating season of a woodchuck, it will search for more than one partner – such a wild fellow. But when a woodchuck is not mating, it hides itself and remains in isolation. Its baby woodchucks, or litters, can range from one to nine births. On the other hand, gophers make sure to breed all year. Though it isn’t as reproductive as the woodchuck, it can have one to three baby gophers.

Though both gophers and woodchucks are always gnawing, the woodchucks are gifted with white teeth while the gophers are not. They have yellowish teeth. Woodchucks are also lucky to be able to live from 4 to 6 years while the gophers are only able to live within a year. And woodchucks sleep from October to March while the gophers sleep only during the cold, winter months. Who wouldn’t be tempted to sleep during the cold or freezing days?


  1. Gophers and woodchucks are types of rodents. They are abundant in the United States.
  2. Gophers and woodchucks are pesky in their own ways. Gophers love to burrow in lawns and golf courses while woodchucks love to chew on your power lines and even automobiles.
  3. Gophers are smaller than woodchucks.
  4. Gophers have a rat-like tail while woodchucks have furry tails.
  5. Both gophers and woodchucks are gray or brown in color.
  6. Woodchucks reproduce more babies, or litters, than gophers.
  7. Woodchucks have white teeth. Gophers have yellowish teeth.
  8. Woodchucks have a longer lifespan than gophers.