Differences Between Alfacalcidol And Calcitrol

Alfacalcidol vs Calcitrol

The early morning sun is loved by several people because of its Vitamin D benefits. With Vitamin D, we are guaranteed to have strong and healthy bones. However, due to the depletion of the ozone layer, the sun’s rays are mostly harmful to our skin and can possibly cause skin cancer. If we are lacking in Vitamin D, it is possible for us to experience overall body pain. Young children can develop rickets while adults can suffer from osteomalacia.

For us not to fall behind with Vitamin D, it is necessary for us to take Vitamin D supplements. Among the most prescribed vitamin D supplements today are Alfacalcidol and Calcitrol. Alfacalcidol and Calcitrol are types of vitamin D which help our body to function properly. These supplements are also very helpful for those people suffering from various kidney problems.

Alfacalcidol is taken to promote healthy bones. It is available as capsules, oral drops, and injections. Before taking this drug, it is best to visit your doctor first. It is possible that Alfacalcidol can cause side effects for people with the following conditions: pregnant or breastfeeding, increased serum calcium levels, presence of kidney stones, drug-to-drug interactions, and allergic conditions. These precautionary measures are also applicable with the intake of Calcitrol.

On the other hand, Calcitrol is usually prescribed if you are suffering from a more serious condition. Calcitrol is usually taken if you have kidney problems such as renal osteodystrophy. It is taken to promote healthy bones for those afflicted with kidney problems. Calcitrol is also prescribed to women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. If you have postmenopausal osteoporosis, your bones are generally weakened as soon as you hit menopause. Calcitrol is available in capsule forms.

Usually what we need to do before taking medicines or supplements, we need to read the medicine’s printed information first. This will help us to understand more about the medicines we are taking. The printed information also includes the side effects of the drug. The possible side effects of Alfacalcidol are: skin rash or itchiness, nausea, metallic taste in the mouth, weight loss, feeling thirsty, loss of appetite, sweating, and the need to pass urine more often. All of these Alfacalcidol side effects can also be seen in Calcitrol.

To know how to combat the above-mentioned side effects, consult your doctor. Only take Alfacalcidol or Calcitrol according to the prescribed dosage. Always remember to frequently drink your Vitamin D supplements as scheduled.  If you forget to take it, don’t double the dose just to make up for the missed dose.


  1. Alfacalcidol and Calcitrol are Vitamin D supplements essential for the development of strong, healthy bones, and for the proper functioning of our kidneys.
  2. Alfacalcidol is available in the forms of capsules, oral drops, and injections. On the other hand, Calcitrol is only available in capsule form.
  3. Alfacalcidol is usually prescribed if your goal is just to promote strong, healthy bones. On the other hand, Calcitrol is usually prescribed if the person is suffering from a more serious ailment like renal osteodystrophy and postmenopausal osteoporosis.
  4. Before taking Alfacalcidol and Calitrol, you have to provide a complete health history to your doctor first. Tell him if you have the following conditions: pregnant or breastfeeding, increased serum calcium levels, presence of kidney stones, drug-to-drug interactions (if you’re consuming another medicine), and allergic conditions.
  5. Among the possible side effects of Alfacalcidol and Calcitrol are: skin rash or itchiness, nausea, metallic taste in the mouth, weight loss, feeling thirsty, loss of appetite, sweating, and the need to pass urine more often.