Differences Between Algae and Protozoa

Algae vs Protozoa

If you love looking at your surroundings, you are probably awed by its wonders which include all living organisms. You may only notice the large, living creatures out there; however, there are also those minute ones. Though we might not notice those tiny, little organisms, they still play an important role in our ecosystem. Among them are algae and protozoa.

Algae and protozoa belong to the Protista kingdom. Actually, there are four other kingdoms in which all organisms are grouped into. The other four kingdoms are: Monera, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

Though you can differentiate them instantly based on their looks or structure, both organisms are very similar to each other since they belong to the same kingdom. Algae and protozoa are both composed of eukaryotic cells. Both have a nucleus, and they can reproduce by means of a mitotic cell division. They also have the ability to move from one place to another. Protozoans and some algae species are able to eat food. And lastly, most algae and some protozoans are able to do the process of photosynthesis.

Algae come in different colors, shapes, and sizes. Most algae look green in color and slimy. You can find algae near bodies of water or other humid places. They can thrive in saltwater or freshwater. They may be free-floating on water, or you can see them plastered on rocks. There are four phyla of algae. This includes the phylum Chlorophyta which are the green algae; phylum Phaeophyta, brown algae; phylum Rhodophyta, red algae; and phylum Bacillariphyta, diatomic algae.

All algae have chlorophyll though they do not have leaves, stems, and roots. They are plant-like organisms that can produce their own food. Algae can either be unicellular or multicellular. Seaweeds are examples of multicellular algae.

On the other hand, protozoans are unicellular, and they are more animal-like. People describe protozoa as a blob without a definite shape since they lack a cell wall. And their method of movement can be through the following extensions of their cells: flagella, the whiplike strands; cilia, also known as pseudopods. Most protozoans feed themselves by ingesting organic molecules or very minute organisms. The most familiar form of protozoa is the amoebas. These amoebas can cause diseases like malaria. You can find protozoa in aquatic places either saltwater or freshwater. Most protozoans ingest food as they start moving.


  1. There are five kingdom classifications in which you can group organisms. Algae and protozoa belong in the  Protista kingdom. The other four kingdoms are: Monera, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

  2. Algae and protozoa are very similar to each other since they belong in the same kingdom. Both have eukaryotic cells, and they can reproduce through mitotic cell division. They can be found in any aquatic places be it saltwater or freshwater.

  3. The algae are plant-like protists, and they are capable of producing their own food. All algae contain chlorophyll even if they don’t have leaves.

  4. The protozoa are animal-like protists. They ingest very minute organisms to feed themselves. They can move through a flagellum or cilia.

  5. Algae mostly look like green, slimy organisms floating in rivers and canals; or they can be found plastered on rocks. The protozoa are like a blob with no definite shape since they lack a cell wall. You need to use a microscope to be able to see them since they are unicellular.

  6. The multicellular examples of algae are seaweeds while amoebas are the most familiar examples of protozoa. Amoebas can cause human diseases like malaria.