Differences Between B Tech and B Com

B Tech vs B Com

These days, earning a degree is not just a big step that you would like to push yourself into obtaining, but the rewards and possibilities that lie ahead are quite vast. For those who are in their latter years of senior high school or even for those who are interested in pursuing a degree, what is the difference between earning a degree that says B Tech over a degree that says B Com?

What is B Tech?

Before we delve into semantics and properly define B Tech over B Com, it is also best to touch base on the important stuff, such as both terms are actually dependent on the country to which we shall be defining such terms. For the first term, B Tech, we shall define the term as established from the United Kingdom educational system.

B Tech is almost always confused with BTEC, which is a university degree. BTEC stands for Business and Technology Education Council, which is compared to a Bachelor’s degree taken at a university, which is a university degree. B Tech is a level 3 that is taken for two to four years of a technical program.

Based on the United States educational system, B Tech is known as the Bachelor’s degree of Technology that is awarded to an individual who has completed a two to four year academic program.

The course also mandates that the student taking this course has to go through occupational placements; that is, internships or supervised practice, practice-based classroom settings, or associate degrees. The curriculum of B Tech is more career oriented, which is divergent to a theory-based course.

What is B Com?

B Com, on the other hand, is a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce. It is similar to B Tech because it is an undergraduate academic degree, except that its focus is more Commerce related. It is also sometimes known as a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce and Administration.

B Com is more concentrated on providing the student with a wide range of managerial skills. This three-year course or program exposes the student to time-consuming competence building at particular areas; that is, related to commerce and business administration. Most likely, the degree is more honed to equip the graduate with knowledge and skills in general business principles, economy, required accounting skills, and quantitative skills. This is why the majority of their subjects are business-related and these include:

Audit Communications Marketing
Accounting Decision Analysis Management Science
Business Ethics Entrepreneurship Human Resources
Banking Finance and Financial Market Operations Management

… to name a few …

Based on those definitions, it is best to summarize the differences between a B Tech and a B Com course.


B Tech course is more technology based.
B Com course is more commerce and administrative based.
B Tech is focused more on technical programs and a B Com course focuses more on marketing, commerce, banking, and business administration.

While such comparison should be easier for you to choose and select on the right type of course to take, always bear in mind that it is not quite so important to put emphasis on what the current demand is as of the moment Instead, focus on enhancing the skills and tools that you have within you to make sure that when you do land a job, based on qualifications, perhaps, it is still up to your own capacity and potential to make such job work for you. With so many jobs out there, and while there are numerous means for any interested individual to find that perfect job based on one’s qualifications and degree, you have to remember that hiring an applicant based on the degree is only a percentage of the hiring process. The bigger chunk of landing the job is how you present yourself to your potential employer.