Differences Between Badgers And Beavers

Badgers vs Beavers

Animals are the cutest, especially when you know many things about them. Children go crazy over the thought of buying unusual animals for pets. Thus, just like Phineas and Ferb, who surprisingly chose Perry the platypus, parents must support and guide their children to instill responsibility.

Beavers and badgers are just two of the most popular pets that children often want to take care of. Not all parents are actually a fan of this, because many moms might think these are some type of rat by the looks of them. However, as a parent, you should go beyond this thinking. Stated in this article are some of the differences between a badger and a beaver. Although the two animals resemble each other, they greatly vary in their origins and families.

The Badger

Badgers are those fat-bodied yet short-legged animals. Their heads are elongated and their ears are pretty small. They have short tails and interesting black faces with familiar patterns and marks. Badgers are said to be part of the weasel family; however, recent studies show that these animals might be part of the skunk family. Though they do not transmit a skunky smell, researchers have found out that the genus Mydaus is now a part of taxonomic family Mephitidae. This suggests that badgers are now a part of that family. The natural homes of badgers are underground. Some of them build clans while some move from one home to another. It is not really wise to take care of badgers and not all pet stores have them. However, if the child really wants one, then it requires more responsibility than usual.

The Beaver

These animals have thick bodies with warm and long red fur on top of the brownish fur. Their waterproof coats allow the beavers to swim in cold or icy waters. Their basic physical looks and structures, such as their hair, nails and lips, are apparently built for survival. Beavers are usually found in zoos that have their own river or dams. They always build their homes on the side of these dams; the houses are called ‘lodges.’ They are very smart animals. They use their powerful front teeth to cut logs and trees so that they can build their homes. They are also an ‘alarm signal’ for all animals, especially other beavers. When they sense danger, they will immediately swim and flap their tails on the water to warn other animals that danger is coming their way. The animals will then hide. Beavers can stay in the water for more than 15 minutes.

Badgers and beavers are naturally surviving animals. They find a way to survive in the world even though they are small and are vulnerable to being eaten by bigger animals. Thus, if your child wants to take care of either of these pets, make certain that you have researched enough about them. This way, your child knows exactly what to do with them. You might also want to keep these pets from your backyards. They can make a big mess out of it.


Badgers are those fat-bodied yet short-legged animals. Their heads are elongated and their ears are pretty small. They have short tails and interesting black faces with familiar patterns and marks.

Beavers have thick body with warm and long red fur on top of the brownish fur. Their waterproof coats allow the beavers to swim in cold or icy waters. Their basic physical looks and structures, such as their hair, nails and lips, are apparently built for survival.

The natural homes of badgers are underground. Some of them build clans while some move from one home to another.

Beavers are usually found in zoos that have their own river or dams. They always build their homes on the side of these dams; the houses are called ‘lodges.’