Differences Between Conferences, Expos, And Trade shows

As an entrepreneur, it is very important for you to take part in the different meetings and discussions that can help you in your business. There are different ways to do this; the primary intent of this article is to identify the purpose of every public meeting you should attend. Most people would mistake one with another when they talk about expositions, conferences and trade shows. They might think that all of them are pretty much the same, when in fact they are not. These meetings vary in purpose and in the process itself. Thus, for an entrepreneur to be effective, he or she has to identify which one to prioritize in attending to pump up the condition of his or her business.

To clarify these terms further, the following is the scope and definition of each one.
Exposition – Also known as a ‘trade fair’, this is that type of fair you often see in malls, when a specific business sector will expose and market their own products. For example, a mobile phones fair. Usually you get to see some of the most popular manufacturer brands of mobile phones, with their displays in booths. They showcase their latest products and services offered. When you engage yourself in a trade fair, you are exposing the new services and products of your business. It is important for you to consider factors such as the placement of your booth and the type of booth you are getting. Remember that you should only attend those trade fairs that will give you a chance to market your business to the greatest extent.

Trade Show – A trade show is also like a fair in that you get to trade and sell items. The booths that you can find in a trade show consist of different products for sale or for trade. These products have specific swapping prices or trading prices. This type of fair would allow you to market your own product, hence it is like a two way street. Thus, if you want to join a trade show, make sure that the products for trade are not the same as what you are selling. This could just be a way for you to market and let the customers know what your business has to offer. Giving out banners or cards on what your business is all about after every purchase or trade can also help.

Conferences – A conference has an entirely different process. It is a meeting of different entrepreneurs to talk about a specific topic. Most conferences do not include any people who are not experts on the issues to be discussed. Say for example the speaker of the conference is a phenomenal doctor who has been in the field and won multiple awards in the field. He will talk about a certain topic to the audience, which is probably made up of co-doctors, such as how to attain success in one specific study. When you join conferences, it would be a chance for you to learn and also to interact and make connections with your co-entrepreneurs. Most entrepreneurs actually find their business partners in conferences.

Exposition – Also known as a ‘trade fair’, this is that type of fair you often see in malls, when a specific business sector will expose and market their own products. For example, a mobile phones fair.

Trade Show – A trade show is also like a fair in that you get to trade and sell items.

Conferences – A conference has an entirely different process. It is a meeting of different entrepreneurs to talk about a specific topic.