Differences Between Cozaar And Diovan

We all know for a fact that we cannot escape the clutches of old age. Whether we like it or not, we will still add up another year when our birthday comes. Along with the general effects of aging, we become more prone to developing illnesses and more health concerns arise. One of the most common complaints of the adults and elderly is fluctuating blood pressure. Most often, they develop high blood pressure. We can blame it on their genes and lifestyle.

To encourage our blood pressure to return to normal, we consult the doctor on what medicine we need to take. Among the most prescribed BP meds are Cozaar and Diovan. Both medicines work very well in maintaining our blood pressure. In this article, we will tackle the differences between Cozaar and Diovan.


Cozaar (Losartan) is a medicine that is part of a group of drugs called angiotensin II receptor antagonists. Doctors prescribe Cozaar because it has the ability to prevent the blood vessels from narrowing; thus, it lowers one’s blood pressure, and improves one’s blood circulation.

If we have high blood pressure, we are at a higher risk of developing stroke and other heart diseases. To prevent that from happening, Cozaar is given to patients with high blood pressure. This medicine is also good for type 2 diabetic patients experiencing hypertension. Cozaar is also effective in slowing down a diabetic’s long-term kidney damage.


Diovan (Valsartan) also belongs to the group of drugs called angiotensin II receptor antagonists. Like Cozaar, it has the ability to prevent the blood vessels from narrowing. It can lower your blood pressure, as well as improve your blood circulation.

Both adults and children (at least 6 years of age) with hypertension can take Diovan as long as it is prescribed by a doctor. Diovan is also effective in treating heart failure. If a patient has experienced a heart attack, Diovan can lower the risk of death. Doctors also prescribe Diovan in presence of other BP meds to obtain more favorable results.

Perhaps you are asking which of these two BP meds is more effective. Based on some studies and shared reviews by patients, Diovan is more effective. However, doctors always prescribe Cozaar first to their patients. If the doctor has observed that the medicine does not make any difference to the patient’s blood pressure, the doctor will prescribe Diovan next. This is always the case, but in some patients Cozaar works very well so there’s no need to shift to a new BP med.

Like other medications, you should take Cozaar and Diovan with care, especially pregnant women. These medicines may cause injury or death to your unborn baby. If you have recorded allergic reactions to either Cozaar or Diovan, tell your doctor immediately. If you are taking other medications, you should also tell this to your doctor since you may have an unpleasant drug to drug interaction.

While taking either of these medicines, be sure to watch your diet. Avoid fatty and salty foods, and drink plenty of water.


  1. Cozaar (Losartan) and Diovan (Valsartan) are medicines in the group of drugs called angiotensin II receptor antagonists.

  2. Doctors prescribe Cozaar or Diovan because they the have ability to prevent the blood vessels from narrowing; thus, they lower blood pressure, and improve blood circulation.

  3. Cozaar is also effective in slowing down a diabetic’s long-term kidney damage.

  4. Diovan is also effective in treating heart failure. If a patient has experienced a heart attack, Diovan can lower the risk of death.

  5. Diovan is said to be more effective than Cozaar.