Differences Between GoFlex and FreeAgent

GoFlex vs FreeAgent

Storage of data and files is important to each individual. We all have important files and data to store. Just like hardcopies of everything we need, the virtual world is also a place in which we can get vast and tremendous amounts of information and entertainment. An example of these are movies.

Not only movies can capture our hearts in being techy, but there are also movie series in which we can watch our favorite episodes. But where can we store these vast amounts of data without cluttering our laptop or PC’s hard drive? Well, the answer to that is an external hard drive.

Gone are the days when we saved data in disks or burned it to CD’s or DVD’s. Gone are also the days in which we saved files in USBs as these cannot accommodate larger files. Well, in the advent of technology, external hard drives are very helpful in storing our precious files and entertainment. Two of which will be discussed here are Seagate’s GoFlex and FreeAgent. Let us try to differentiate between them.

Seagate FreeAgent is older than Seagate Goflex. With Seagate’s GoFlex, one can buy more adapters for the cable connection if one wants to connect it to televisions other than a USB 2.0 port. This is an advantage for those who want to watch their favorite movies or series on television rather than on their laptop.

Another major difference is that the GoFlex uses a different software for a backup of your precious data. However, some people prefer the FreeAgent’s software, but people also say that GoFlex’s software is also good.

Regarding data storage, GoFlex has a larger data storage compared to FreeAgent. GoFlex has 2 terabytes of storage space compared to 1.5 terabytes in FreeAgent. Both storage devices are reliable and can store lots of movies, songs, e-books, data, and other files. This is also convenient to bring instead of bringing lots of CDs, DVDs, books, and other large files which can be virtually saved.


1. Seagate’s FreeAgent is older than Seagate’s GoFlex.
2. In Seagate’s GoFlex, one can buy more adapters for the cable connection if one wants to connect it to televisions other than a USB 2.0 port. This is an advantage for those who want to watch their favorite movies or series on television rather than on their laptop.
3. Another major difference is that GoFlex uses a different software for a backup of your precious data.
4. Regarding data storage, GoFlex has a larger data storage compared to FreeAgent.
5.GoFlex has 2 terabytes of storage space compared to 1.5 terabytes in FreeAgent.