The Difference between Sucrose and Fructose

While many people today are conscious about their cholesterol and fat intake, most are not aware of the dangers of sugar consumption. This is so alarming because of the increasing dreadful effects of overindulgence of sweets. Sugar is one of the leading causes of Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes. According to some research, the worldwide epidemic of the said diseases has more to do with the consumption of sugar than fat.

Don’t take me wrong, sugar is not really bad and you shouldn’t deprive yourself with it. In fact, right kinds and amount of sugar intake give us energy to do all the things we want to do. However, excess consumption is atrocious – it can do more harm than good. At this point, it is reasonable for you to understand what sugar is made of.

Sugars are carbohydrates. As carbohydrates, these simple sugars share a unique property where molecules connect together to form a more complex carbohydrates. Sugar in its simplest form is known as monosaccharides and when two simple sugar molecules connect together they form a complex one, termed as Disaccharides. Perhaps you have heard of some of the simple sugar-carbohydrates, such as glucose or fructose and the more complex one like the sucrose or commonly known as table sugar. Sucrose is actually a glucose and fructose molecule attached together.

It is essential to know these types of sugar in order to make the right choices and avoid all the harmful effects that they can bring. I have relegated a discussion regarding sucrose and fructose as these two terms are commonly misunderstood by some people because they get a little too technical to comprehend.


As mentioned Sucrose is a Disaccharides carbohydrate. It is formed when fructose and glucose molecules connect together.  Vegetables and fruits contain sugar and it is abundantly found in sugar cane and sugar beets. The food industry separates this sugar from these plants to produce processed sugar like the table sugar (sucrose) and other kinds of sweeteners.

During digestion, disaccharides are broken into their simplest form by an enzyme know as sucrase for easier absorption, which in this case, the glucose and fructose.  Monosaccharide is absorbed into the blood stream and cause a rapid rise in blood glucose levels, which can be a problem for those suffering from Diabetes.


Fructose is known to many as fruit sugar. It is one of the three dietary monosaccharides (the other two are glucose and galactose). It can exist as a monosaccharide but it can also be a component of sucrose. It is the most water-soluble kind of sugar and it is directly absorbed into the blood stream during digestion.

Fructose is a natural sugar that is found abundantly in fruits such as berries and root crops. It is also found in honey. In addition, Fructose can also be derived commercially from corn, sugar cane and sugar beets. Commonly, there are three derivatives of this kind. The following are:

  • Sucrose

  • Crystalline Fructoseis
    This is a monosaccharide and has the highest purity when it is has been dried and ground.

  • HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup)
    This is derived from corn and it is a mixture of fructose and glucose. The use of HFCS in foods and drinks has increased dramatically over the years, increasing the prevalence of obesity more than ever before.

Normally, fructose is stored in the liver as glycogen and the liver can handle a daily intake of this kind of sugar up to 50-100 grams. However, excess fructose can stimulate lipogenesis or otherwise known as accumulation of fat to store the extra sugars. This is the primary reason why people who consume food high in sugar content become fat or obese.  But take note of this, a fruit contains 5-7 grams of fructose, so you have to take a lot of it in order to saturate the liver. In contrast, most carbonated drinks and sweetened juices contain more than 50 grams of fructose along with other complex sugars. So, over consumption of these and other foods high in sugar can make you fat in no time.